Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Born to Reproduce: Whose job is it?

If you do not have a copy of Dawson Trotman's Born to Reproduce, you can read it online by clicking HERE.  (You can also download and print it; it's seven pages.)

 Please read How to Majoring in Reproducing, pages 25 - 27 in the booklet, or from the middle of page 4 to the beginning of page 5 in the online document.

In the last section, Trotman talks about multiplication. One person disciples one other, then each of them one more. Now there are four. He says "So the four of them in the next six months each get a man. That makes eight at the end of a year and a half. They all go out after another and at the end of two years there are 16 men. At the end of three years there are 64: the 16 have doubled twice. At the end of five years there are 1,048. At the end of fifteen and a half years there are 2,176,000,000. That is the present population of the world of persons over three years of age."

Over two billion reached in under sixteen years, starting with just two?  Fifteen years may seem like a long time, but I did some quick math. If every single day of the year, there was a large stadium-type evangelism event, with 15,000 people in attendance - that's 15 thousand every day of the year, it would take over 397 years to reach the same number! So, one x two, then two x two, and so on, is very effective. Not to mention the depth to which people are being taken to, and the relationships being built.

Men, the world is starving for Christ and they don't even know it. Who is going to go get one guy, just one, and spend serious time with him for six months or so, then send him to get one while you get another. While some churches are, the truth is the church is desperately failing at this. They are failing at the one task Jesus closed out His ministry charging us to do.

You can make a difference.

Pray for your one.

Call other men into accountability to do the same.

Talk to your pastor; hold your church up to this standard and see how they are doing.  You have no less than the Holy Spirit on your side.


Trotman asked "who else is majoring in discipleship?".  Not talking about programs or committees who have that title, but are not doing this work, is your church involved in discipleship to this level?

If not, why not?

Will you talk to your pastor and show your desire to disciple?

It starts with one, praying for their one; are you?

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