Friday, June 29, 2012

Born to reproduce: DAY 4 – A question: Do you want kids?

Today we continue our study on Born to Reproduce.

Dawson says:  “Only a few things will ever keep human beings from multiplying themselves in the physical realm. If a couple is not united, they will not reproduce. This is a truth which Christians need to grasp with reference to spiritual reproduction.  When a person becomes a child of God, he should realize that he is to live in union with Jesus Christ if he is going to win others to the Savior.”

If you are not a Dad, please excuse me for this reading.  But for all you men who are, did you always want to be?  Some guys are like that.  But many others never think along those lines when we are younger.

Then we meet her.

She says yes to a date, then yes to going out, then yes to “will you marry me?”

Then your life changes; whatever distracted you before – cars, sports, whatever -- begin to fall a distant second in your priorities.  You just want to be with her.  Then your thoughts begin to morph and one day you wake up and the idea of being a Dad seems like a great one, a little scary maybe, but good.

So, do you want spiritual offspring?  You should be wild about the idea!

If not, you need to get back to Jesus.

The next step is yours.
All Scripture is taken from the NIV, 1984 edition, unless otherwise noted.
Quotes marked with an asterisk (*) are taken from :
Trotman, Dawson. Born to Reproduce. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2008. Print.Trotman, Dawson. Born to Reproduce. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2008. Print.

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